Party food, comfort food, junk it what you want, but cheesy garlic bread is the bees knees. I was craving garlic bread and I had a ton of cheese in my fridge which I wanted to use and thus, this brilliant idea was born.

I'll tell you on way of eating this that will change your life...... dunk it in some fresh tomato soup... it is bomb. You should try it!! In fact, you must!!
Serves 4
1 Italian loaf
200grams Mozarella
200grams Gouda
100grams Parmesan
200grams unsalted butter
5 garlic cloves, crushed
1/2 cup parsley coarsely chopped
Cut your bread in half lengthwise and place it cut side up on a baking sheet.
Place all your ingredients, except the bread of course, into a bowl and use a fork to mix them well. Once it’s all mixed up, spread the mixture evenly on the bread.
Place it under a grill to broil for 5 to 10 minutes or until the cheese is melted and slightly golden brown.
Best served when it’s still warm.